Manifest Your Destiny: Pramod's Podcast



Pramod (pseudonym for Asha Elizabeth P.) is a spiritual being, teacher and speaker from India. ('Pramod' means 'joy' or 'happiness', from the Sanskrit root, 'pramoda'). Pramod has been giving lectures on Eastern applied spirituality, meditation, manifestation, relationships, abundance, etc. for a few years now and has touched many through her warm loving words of inspiration. Pramod's talks are being collected and published on CD and as instant downloads, by a small tightly knit team of people who want to make sure the teachings reach those who are asking for it through their deepest desires to improve their lives. This podcast serves as the archive of Pramod's signature radio show which is broadcast everyday, at 8 PM Eastern Time (GMT -5:00), on our radio, Spirit Imprints Radio. Also, the recordings and transcripts of Pramod's spiritual lectures are syndicated throughout the Internet by hundreds of podcast directories, e-zines, magazines and newspapers.


  • On the Balcony

    06/09/2011 Duração: 25min

    This exclusive excerpt from the most recent talk by Pramod includes: .Extending spontaneous feeling states of gratitude .How it feels to be in intimate contact with Source .Getting bored with peace and stillness? .Effective tools for slowing down thoughts .Experiencing the Gap through the right questions .Breathe deeper and slower using a pranayama technique and more … [Episode # 48; Running Time: 00:25:05; File Type: MP3 Audio, Digital Stereo; Content Rating: G* (*Suitable to listeners of all ages); Cover Art: Juliet's Balcony (for illustrative purposes); Music: Opening Track - Kisna instrumental by A. R. Rahman, End track - Full Sail by Ryan Farish from his album Beautiful; Episode Rights: Creative Commons Attribution]

  • "I am Awareness" (A Meditation) (Audio Only)

    03/12/2010 Duração: 09min

    Note: This meditation is excerpted from the CD, Ananda: Live in Bliss (Meditations for all Purposes). To own your copy of this CD as an addition to your personal library, click here. (The CD comes beautifully packaged in a jewel case and ships from Amazon.) This meditation is a collection of evocative affirmations adapted from a varied selection of sources, including Suzuki's lectures, Zen Buddhist texts, records of conversations with Sri. Nisargadatta Maharaj, philosophical tomes of Heraclitus, books on Advaita Vedanta (non-duality) and self-help classics. The profound words have been set to soul-stirring spiritual music which will elevate you to a sweet meditative state. Here are a few suggestions on how to make the fullest possible use of this meditation: a) Let the tape run softly in the background. Make no effort to focus on or understand the words in the affirmations. b) Simply trust that your subconscious / soul will grasp the truth to which the words point, without any effort on your part. c) Whenever

  • Meditating with a Football

    19/06/2010 Duração: 11min

    More and more athletes, dancers, stunt directors and many others involved in careers which are very physical in nature, are turning to mind work. As they warm to the idea of looking within for solutions, they often wonder how much the Law applies to their sphere of activity, because of the delicious physicality of their work. If you are one of those, then this episode is for you. In this episode, Pramod says, “Don’t be so hard on yourself and don’t look at meditation as something special you have never done in your life, something for which you still need to learn much more. Don’t turn meditation into something too sublime, too important, too formal to be done frequently and naturally. If meditation is sublime and important, you are even more sublime and important.” [Episode # 41; Running Time: 00:11:04; File Type: MP3 Audio, Digital Stereo; Content Rating: G* (*Suitable to listeners of all ages); Cover Art: A football resting on green grass, with clouds as the backdrop; Music: CC by Helios Salah; Rights: Cr

  • Recording of Live Meditation (Feb 2010)

    19/02/2010 Duração: 24min

    Note: This meditation is included on the CD, Ananda: Live in Bliss (Meditations for all Purposes). To own your copy of this CD as an addition to your personal library, click here. (The CD comes beautifully packaged in a jewel case and ships from Amazon.) Here's the recording of the Live Meditation Event, with spiritual being Pramod, which was broadcast live from her residence in India on 21 Feb, 2010 (Sunday). Pramod occasionally leads such meditations and gives spiritual lectures at her home and we are happy to announce that we have started doing Live Broadcasts of these special events. To find out the schedule of the upcoming live meditations and lectures, check out the broadcast schedule page of Spirit Imprints Radio by clicking here. Note: The music segment at the beginning of the programme has been edited out for copyright reasons. [Episode # 39; Running Time: 00:24:25; File Type: MP3 Audio, Digital Stereo; Content Rating: G* (*Suitable to listeners of all ages); Cover Art Model: Yoga in Fitness Centre,

  • Just Let in the Love!

    09/02/2010 Duração: 10min

    In this special message, Pramod says, “The general tendency is to talk about generating love inside, but I think it’s very important to remember that we are not generating love, but we are getting into the flow or stream of love that is all around us, that pervades not just our life space, but All-that-is. .... Just ask yourself these questions with me right now. Are you feeling lonely? Do you feel a lack of love in your life? If so, then the next question is, what is it that I’m doing to cut myself off from that flow of love that’s always there? What is it that I need to drop right now?” This brief talk will help you bring the love back into your life, in this season of love. [Episode # 38; Running Time: 00:10:40; File Type: MP3 Audio, Digital Stereo; Content Rating: G* (*Suitable to listeners of all ages); Cover Art: City of Romance, CC by Joe Shlabotnik; Music: Ambient Piano, Love Swash and Lifecycles, CC by Torley; Rights: Creative Commons Attribution]

  • Spiritual Weightlessness

    11/01/2010 Duração: 17min

    Note: Parts of this episode are excerpted from the CD, Meditation 101: The What, Why & How of Meditation. To own your copy of this CD as an addition to your personal library, click here. In this talk, Pramod says, “Some, as they try to meditate, get very annoyed or frustrated when thoughts arise. Maybe they have an unrealistic goal that when they meditate there should be no thoughts at all. There is a Tibetan saying, “It’s a tall order to ask for meat without bones and tea without leaves.” As long as you have a mind, you will have thoughts and emotions. The thoughts are composed of the mind stuff itself, just as the waves of the sea come from the sea itself and go back into the sea. In the same way, thoughts and emotions are the radiance and the expression of the very nature of your mind. Accepting such a compassionate view of your thoughts and emotions is the easiest way to quiet your mind in meditation.” Note: This is the live recording of a talk which was delivered by Pramod in India. [Episode # 35; Runni

  • Where I'm is where I'm!

    04/12/2009 Duração: 15min

    Most of us know that the emotions of joy or love or appreciation tell us that we are in a powerful state of full connection with Source. And it is only natural that we wish we were up there in full, seamless connection all the time. But it is inevitable that we will go up and down the scale from time to time. In this talk, Pramod relates a personal experience, talks about how the Emotional Guidance Scale came to the aid and introduces a simple game called ‘Tuning into the World’. Whenever you are experiencing negative emotions such as despair, rage or anger, use this incredibly simple process to move up the scale most effortlessly and naturally. Note: This is the live recording of a talk which was delivered by Pramod in India. [Episode # 32; Running Time: 00:16:00; File Type: MP3 Audio, Digital Stereo; Content Rating: G* (*Suitable to listeners of all ages); Cover Art: CC (Prakhar, Nattu, Lisadragon & Worak); Music: CC by MayaFilipic & Sonic Mystery; Rights: Creative Commons Attribution]

  • The Unfettered Mind

    09/11/2009 Duração: 34min

    Be free. Let the thoughts come and go. Embrace any thought that makes you feel good. When the thoughts begin to become too noisy, demanding or repetitive, just slip into the space between them and stay rested in the lightness of the Sacred Space. Chanting is a magical way of quieting your mind and the very ancient Yoga Sutra by Patanjali says, “ ... (When the mind) is clear of thought waves, (it) achieves sameness or identity with the object of its concentration.” In meditation, we focus on the pregnant Sacred Space. This is not some form of twisted pessimism or nihilism. Instead, it is a joyful indulgence in the magical act of creation itself, because the space contains all that exists, which definitely includes all that you want right now and all that you have ever wanted - that perfect, lucrative, satisfying job, that beautiful lover and those divine moments of connection and ecstasy. Therefore, when we quiet our minds in deep meditation, we are not pulling back from life. Instead, we are actively plu

  • Just Let Go!

    22/10/2009 Duração: 24min

    Let go of that seriousness. There is nobody who is actually able to always stay in a place of allowing or a place of zero resistance, or as the wonderful teachers Abraham-Hicks say in their most recent book, 'the swirling vortex'. It'll be really naive to assume that anyone will be able to stay in the vortex forever. It is impossible. And the earlier you accept it, the better. We should understand that resisting resistance is absolutely futile. So let go of the resistance when you can and when you cannot, let go of that frustration about not being able to let go of it. This talk will help you make peace with resistance and the dual nature of this universe. Note: This is the live recording of a talk which was delivered by Pramod in India. [Episode # 29; Running Time: 00:24:26; File Type: MP3 Audio, Enhanced Digital Stereo; Content Rating: G* (*Suitable to listeners of all ages); Cover Art: CC by Her Wings; Music: CC by Dada Weatherman; Rights: Creative Commons]

  • The Stream of Love (Guided Meditation)

    11/10/2009 Duração: 08min

    Use this incredibly simple meditation to relax into the flow so that you can move closer to your soul mate without further time lag, whether it is someone who is already a part of your life or someone whom you are going to meet. Note: For the listening convenience of those who use our meditations in their daily practice, we are releasing a short basic version of this guided meditation which was originally broadcast as a part of episode # 26. This meditation is excerpted from the CD, Attracting Love: How to Manifest Mutually Fulfilling Relationships. To purchase your copy, click here. [Episode # 28; Running Time: 00:08:49; File Type: MP3 Audio, Enhanced Digital Stereo; Content Rating: G* (Suitable to listeners of all ages); Cover Art: CC by Rachel; Rights: Creative Commons]

  • Is your World Friendly?

    30/09/2009 Duração: 17min

    Life is not a conflict between opposites but a polarity. We cannot have a magnet with only the north pole. The "this" is also "that." The "that" is also "this." That the "that" and the "this" cease to be opposites is the very essence of Tao. The self and the other is also another such polarity. We didn't come into this world, we came out of this world. When we manage to adopt such a more holistic view of life, true magic begins. Then we have the power of alignment with the whole universe, alighment with all that is! Then a sense of wellness and wholeness flows in! Note: This is an excerpt from a live recording of a talk delivered by Pramod in India. [Episode # 25; Duration: 00:17:27; File Type: MP3 Audio, Enhanced Digital Stereo; Content Rating: G* (*Suitable to listeners of all ages); Music: CC by Gasnoprod (; Cover Art: Aurora Borealis, the coloured lights seen in the skies around the North Pole (This image is in the public domain); Rights: Creative Commons]

  • Q & A

    08/09/2009 Duração: 18min

    Note: Parts of this episode are excerpted from the CD, Meditation 101: The What, Why & How of Meditation. To own your copy of this CD as an addition to your personal library, click here. Pramod answers questions from listeners on meditation, Law of Attraction, manifesting, etc. The questions answered include "What is the best form of meditation that can be used as a tool in manifesting?", "How do I both live in the present and plan for my future by manifesting my desires?", "How do I manifest my desires faster?" and also "How can I stop resisting the pain in my body caused by diseases such as arthritis?". Don't miss this special edition of our podcast! [Episode # 22; Duration: 00:18:00; File Type: MP3 Audio, Enhanced Digital Stereo; Content Rating: G* (*Suitable to Listeners of all Ages); Rights: Creative Commons Attribution]

  • Mantras 101

    24/08/2009 Duração: 13min

    What are mantras? What are the benefits of doing japa or chanting of mantras? If japa is indeed spiritually beneficial, is there an ideal method and time for doing it? This episode answers all those questions. Here is all you wanted to know about mantras. Also, learn to chant the Gayatri, one of the most powerful and ancient Indian mantras. You will learn how to chant this power-packed mantra with the right pronunciation and also you will hear one of the most famous translations of it. Use the divine sounds of this mantra to remove the blocks in your life and to get in to the Flow where you are one with all life. [Episode # 21; Duration: 00:14:00; File Type: MP3 Audio, Enhanced Digital Stereo; Content Rating: G* (*Suitable to listeners of all ages); Rights: Creative Commons; Cover Art: The Gayatri Mantra in the original Sanskrit script, followed by its transliteration in English]

  • 3 Minutes to Bliss!

    21/08/2009 Duração: 02min

    Special Note: By popular demand, we are releasing a short three-minute version of the Blissful Breathing meditation exercise. For an introduction to this meditation, the complete twenty-minute version of this meditation and also the detailed show notes, see Episode # 15 below. [Episode # 20; Duration: 00:03:00; File Type: MP3 Audio, Enhanced Digital Stereo; Content Rating: G* (*Suitable to listeners of all ages); Rights: Creative Commons; Cover Art: CC by Oddsock]

  • The Sacred Space Meditation (Short Basic Version)

    21/08/2009 Duração: 10min

    Special Note: This is the short basic version of the Sacred Space Meditation. For an introduction to the meditation, the complete version of the meditation with nature sounds and the show notes, see Episode # 18 below. [Episode # 19; Duration: 00:10:00; File Type: MP3 Audio; Content Rating: G* (*Suitable to listeners of all ages); Rights: Creative Commons]

  • The Sacred Space Meditation (Complete Version)

    21/08/2009 Duração: 18min

    Note: This meditation is excerpted from the CD, Ananda: Live in Bliss (Meditations for all Purposes). To own your copy of this CD as an addition to your personal library, click here. (The CD comes beautifully packaged in a jewel case and ships from Amazon.) Are you one of those who find it really hard to meditate because you just can't empty your mind? Are you looking for an easy technique that will assist you in quieting your mind? Here's a very easy meditative exercise aimed at assisting you in cultivating the space consciousness. As we cultivate space consciousness, we experience a subtle deep peace within us, even in the face of something seemingly bad. Suddenly there is a space around events, a space around the emotional highs and lows, even around pain. As you do this every day, life becomes friendly toward you; people become helpful; circumstances cooperative; all that you want flow to you and through you in effortless perfection. This meditation incorporates soothing sounds of nature from a rainfores

  • Resist Ye Not!

    17/08/2009 Duração: 14min

    Whatever we are fighting against, we get more of. This truth was summed up in four pithy words by Carl Jung. He said, "What you resist persists." We know it is true. We beat upon ourselves asking why even though we know it is so true, we don't remember it when we should really remember it. It is easy to forget that such bucking of the current or the Flow will only add to our pain, will only generate more suffering. But resisting resistance is also resistance. When we don't resist the forms the Now assume, we are able to access the power of Presence. This is the moment when we decide how we are going to use this moment because it's not ever going to get better than right now - until it gets better right now! [Episode # 17; Duration: 0:14:14; File Type: MP3 Audio; Content Rating: G* (*Suitable to listeners of all ages); Rights: Creative Commons; Cover Art: The sanctum sanctorum of the Old Ghoom Monastery, the oldest Buddhist monastery of Darjeeling, India; Photography: Pramod Nappa]

  • The Power of Manifesting in the Now!

    16/07/2009 Duração: 18min

    Abraham-Hicks v/s Eckhart Tolle! As spiritual beings, should we accept what is or ask for what we want? Can we both expect a better future and enjoy the Now? In this brand new episode, you'll hear a little meditation, a gift packet of positive thoughts that I offer which you can use anywhere, anytime you have dificulty being totally rooted in the powerful present moment, anytime you have a desire that doesn't feel so good in your body. This is a bridge between the present moment and your desires. This may also be looked at as an example of the rampage of appreciation process that Abraham-Hicks presented in their signature anthology of the Teachings of Abraham, Ask and it is Given ( Please let these words work their magic in your heart right now. Sit back, relax and let it in! Enjoy! [Episode # 16; Duration: 00:18:16; File Type: MP3 Audio, Enhanced Digital Stereo; Content Rating: G* (*Suitable to listeners of all ages); Cover Art: A Green Mountain (Darjeeling, India); Photography: Pramod Na

  • You are the Thinker, not the Thoughts

    22/12/2007 Duração: 14min

    Immobilizing feelings such as extreme rage or depression are powerless by themselves. It is the identification with those feelings that is the real issue. We can always detach ourselves from our own feelings and thoughts, for we are not the thoughts but the Thinker of the thoughts. And this Thinker is divinity itself. This Thinker is always above the thoughts. Even if you feel the thoughts are impure, they just cannot make the Thinker impure. This Witness is pure love; It is a Compassionate Witness and It always observes the world from a standpoint of total non-judgmental love. When we become one with the Witness by going within, we remove ourselves from the material world where we have the pain and suffering. Cultivating the Witness is out ticket to absolute freedom. Go for it! [Duration: 00:14:52; File Type: MP3 Audio; Content Rating: General (G)* (*Suitable to listeners of all ages); Cover Art Model: Leandro Okabe; Rights: Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 India License]

  • Appreciation is the Key to Fulfilment

    05/10/2007 Duração: 18min

    There is nothing wrong with having desires. Our desires are an integral part of the very life force in us. Once we cease desiring we cease existing. Even the intention to have no desires is a desire. The key to the fulfillment of our deepest desires is joy. The secret is to be in a state of gratitude. To feel gratitude, you must stop depreciating and start appreciating. Appreciation is this wonderful warm experience of focusing only on that which gives us joy, on that which we want to see and have. [Duration: 00:18:31; File Type: MP3 Audio; Content Rating: General (G); Cover Art Model: Uday Kiran; Rights: Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 India License]

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