Manifest Your Destiny: Pramod's Podcast

Is your World Friendly?



Life is not a conflict between opposites but a polarity. We cannot have a magnet with only the north pole. The "this" is also "that." The "that" is also "this." That the "that" and the "this" cease to be opposites is the very essence of Tao. The self and the other is also another such polarity. We didn't come into this world, we came out of this world. When we manage to adopt such a more holistic view of life, true magic begins. Then we have the power of alignment with the whole universe, alighment with all that is! Then a sense of wellness and wholeness flows in! Note: This is an excerpt from a live recording of a talk delivered by Pramod in India. [Episode # 25; Duration: 00:17:27; File Type: MP3 Audio, Enhanced Digital Stereo; Content Rating: G* (*Suitable to listeners of all ages); Music: CC by Gasnoprod (; Cover Art: Aurora Borealis, the coloured lights seen in the skies around the North Pole (This image is in the public domain); Rights: Creative Commons]