Manifest Your Destiny: Pramod's Podcast

Resist Ye Not!



Whatever we are fighting against, we get more of. This truth was summed up in four pithy words by Carl Jung. He said, "What you resist persists." We know it is true. We beat upon ourselves asking why even though we know it is so true, we don't remember it when we should really remember it. It is easy to forget that such bucking of the current or the Flow will only add to our pain, will only generate more suffering. But resisting resistance is also resistance. When we don't resist the forms the Now assume, we are able to access the power of Presence. This is the moment when we decide how we are going to use this moment because it's not ever going to get better than right now - until it gets better right now! [Episode # 17; Duration: 0:14:14; File Type: MP3 Audio; Content Rating: G* (*Suitable to listeners of all ages); Rights: Creative Commons; Cover Art: The sanctum sanctorum of the Old Ghoom Monastery, the oldest Buddhist monastery of Darjeeling, India; Photography: Pramod Nappa]