Back To The Garden



Back to the garden is a podcast dedicated to the inquiry of philosophical/theological questions and topics that have challenged mankind since the time man reached self awareness. The aim is to aid those in search for a better understanding of man's role and purpose in the universe. My starting point I share with Socrates: I am the wisest man in the world, for I know that I know nothing. Welcome! tomas (tommy) deleon


  • What's Mine To Do?

    30/08/2023 Duração: 22min

    How many times have you heard someone bring up the question: what is my purpose? Have you ever thought about that question? Do we have a purpose? I have heard many people say that God has a purpose for us. A plan for each and every one of us. Is that true? If it is, what are the theological ramifications? If it is not, does that mean life has no purpose? Most people don't think about these things. I do. Most people are content to simply say “God” has a plan for me, and leave it at that. Join us this week as we examine the questions: What is mine to do? What is my purpose?

  • Unity Principles #5: Walking the Walk

    30/08/2023 Duração: 23min

    In today's episode, we finish our review of Unity's Five Principles with a look at Principle #5 and a general overview of the Principles. When the Unity Movement began in the late 1800s, Unity co-founder Charles Fillmore never wrote anything down for the first twenty years. His reasoning was: the person I am today, is not the person I will be tomorrow. He knew that to hold a steadfast set of beliefs was, and is, a limitation contrary to life’s unlimited nature. Eventually, he was persuaded to compile some kind of “theology” for the sake of passing on this new understanding of the relationship between God and Mankind. Many years later Charles' great-granddaughter, Connie Fillmore Bazzy, was asked if she could summarize Unity teachings for a Daily Word article back when she was the president of Unity school in Kansas City. She came up with five principles that have since become the cornerstone of our teachings. These Five Principles are: 1. God is absolute good, everywhere present. 2. Human being

  • Unity Principle #4 : Communion with God

    05/08/2023 Duração: 22min

    In the episode, we continue our review of Unity's Five Basic Principles with a look at principle #4 which states: prayer is creative thinking that heightens the connection with God-Mind and therefore brings forth wisdom, healing, prosperity and everything good. In her book titled The Five Principles, author Rev. Ellen Devenport, begins her chapter on the fourth principle: "Prayer would seem to be the simplest and most familiar of spiritual concepts. Even little children understand it. Prayer has been practiced by human beings throughout the ages, in many different forms, addressed to gods of many different names. And yet this is where confusion usually sets in regarding the Five Principles." But what could be confusing about prayer? You talk to God, you ask for this or that, sometimes the petition is granted, sometimes it is not. What's confusing about that? Isn't that the way it works? No, that isn't the way it works! That is a view of God that is external, and anthropomorphic.

  • Unity Principle #3: Thoughts Held in Mind, Produce After Their Kind

    05/08/2023 Duração: 21min

    In this episode, we continue our discussion of Unity’s Five Principles with Principle 3 which states: “Human beings create their experiences by the activity of their thinking” The principle states that it is you who co-creates your experience(s)! That we are active participants in the creation process. If you’re like most, you’re probably thinking; How? By the activity of your thinking and believing, as the Principle states! The caveat that cannot be ignored is that we are not alone in the process. Mark 11:24 states, “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” Mathew 21:22 states “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” Notice that, in both passages, whether what you pray for “comes to be” or not, is contingent upon YOU! You are the determining factor! Is there any basis for this idea in science? Yes, there is as well! Quantum physics is essentially telling us that we live in an interactive universe (the observed

  • Unity Principle #2: You Are God

    12/09/2022 Duração: 18min

    Unity has Five Basic Principles that summarize our entire philosophy, our theology. In her book about the Five Principles, Rev. Ellen Debenport writes: "As well as offering tools for daily living, The Five Principles suggest answers to the great questions of existence that humans have been asking since the dawn of conscious awareness." The Five Principles are: #1: God is absolute good, everywhere present. #2: Human beings are created in the image of God and our very essence is divine; therefore, we are inherently good. #3: Human beings create our life experiences through our thoughts and our beliefs. #4: Through affirmative prayer and meditation, we align with God (Source) and bring out the good in our lives. #5: I do and give my best by living the truth I know. I make a difference. If we were to express these in a concise manner, they might be something like this: GOD IS, I AM, I think (create), I pray (align), I act! Based on these principles, Unity's view of God, man and our "relationship" is quite differe

  • Unity Principle #1: No Spot Where God is Not

    12/09/2022 Duração: 18min

    These next two weeks, Unity Spiritual Center Georgetown will be conducting new membership classes. In order to become a member of any Unity center it is not necessary to believe any particular dogma or creed. We do this for a specific reason. We teach and appreciate an open mind, and an open heart. We do so because we know that every moment is a new moment, and every day our consciousness expands as a result of the experience of the day. Unity co-founder, Charles Fillmore, never wrote down anything for the first twenty years of Unity’s existence. His reasoning was: the person I am today, is not the person I will be tomorrow. He knew that to hold a steadfast set of beliefs was, and is, a limitation contrary to life’s unlimited nature. Eventually, he was persuaded to compile some kind of “theology” for the sake of passing on this new understanding of the relationship between God and Mankind. A number of books were written as a result of this effort. It was part of the birth of the New Thought Movement. Many yea

  • Meeting Jesus (Again) for the First Time

    14/08/2022 Duração: 22min

    In his book: Meeting Jesus (Again) for the First Time, biblical scholar and professor, Rev. Marcus Borg presents us with a different view of one of the most influential people in  western civilization. We, in the west, have all “met” Jesus. The image we have of him is largely dependent on the religious, or non-religious, background we come from. The book presents us with an overview of these images as well as a view from the scholars. One review notes: “In this small, but eloquent and learned book, Borg directs his readers, especially those who have found no meaningful image of Jesus, away from confessed doctrines about Jesus (what the gospels and the churches say about Him) and toward a relationship with the Spirit of God.” In Unity we believe there is a major difference between the life and teachings of Jesus, and the story created about Jesus which ultimately became tradition. According to Rev. Borg, the traditional view of Jesus, as the "Christ of Faith" the only Son of God, who died for the sins of

  • Birthing A Greater Reality

    06/08/2022 Duração: 23min

    This episode I will cover the first of a two-part series on a book by Unity Minister Robert Brumet titled: “Birthing A Greater Reality, A Guide For Conscious Evolution”. The conversation continues with the questions: where are we (spiritually), where are we going, and how do we get there? Brumet’s book is divided into three sections. Chapters 1 and 2 focus on the big picture of who we are and our history. Chapters 3, 4, and 5 parallel this approach, but the focus is on the personal level. Chapter 6 integrates our understanding of global evolution with the wisdom derived from our personal transformation. In the book Rev. Brumet brings up the ideas of three very influential authors/philosophers: Henri Bergson, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, and Ken Wilber. Influential that is, if you are familiar with them. I would like to believe that we are at the point of birthing a greater reality for our community and those whose lives we touch. Our fundamental belief is that there IS a greater reality, and we must ever be op

  • Integral Christianity

    29/07/2022 Duração: 21min

    This episode is based on two ideas. The first is the concept of integral theory as developed by American Philosopher and mystic, Ken Wilbur. The second on a book by Rev. Paul Smith applying the integral approach to Christianity. The title is: “Integral Christianity, The Spirit’s Call to Evolve.” From Ken Wilbur (the innovator of integral thought) comes this: “The word integral means comprehensive, inclusive, non-marginalizing, embracing. Integral approaches to any field attempt to be exactly that—to include as many perspectives, styles, and methodologies as possible within a coherent view of the topic. In a certain sense integral approaches are “meta-paradigms” or ways to draw together an already existing number of separate paradigms into a network of interrelated mutually enriching perspectives” In simple English, it means taking existing points of view and bringing them together to form a BIGGER, broader point of view! Basically, it’s making a bigger puzzle using smaller puzzles. From the forward, by Jim Ma

  • Walk the Talk

    29/07/2022 Duração: 24min

    Walk the Talk

  • Finding Yourself in Transition

    06/09/2020 Duração: 13min

    I think we can all agree that the keynote to life is change. Everything is nature tells us that change is the only constant. We understand this intellectually. However, when change comes rapidly, or at too big of a scale, we usually find ourselves questioning the meaning and purpose of the change. Certainly these are difficult and trying days we are all currently experiencing. The changes are major and many are questioning this period of transition. The key to coping with this difficult time is to turn our attention to the larger picture. To discover that a major life transition is an opportunity for transformation, and that transformation is an opportunity for spiritual rebirth. In this episode, we will discuss ways in which to deal with the changes around us.

  • Does Prayer Work? How?

    04/04/2020 Duração: 17min

    This past week our nation put preventive measures into place to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. One of the biggest measures was decreasing large crowd gathering. Many activities were canceled and others provided online option. Another measure we can always take for healing is prayer. Prayer, what is it? How does it work? Unity uses “affirmative prayer.”  Rather than begging God for what we desire, this method involves connecting with the spirit of God and asserting positive beliefs about the desired outcome. Affirmative prayer is the same method of prayer Jesus taught when he said, “So I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours” (Mark 11:24).  Metaphysicians believe that thoughts transmit magnetic energy and this energy attracts other energy of the same frequency. Whether we are conscious of it or not, our thoughts are transmitting energy that is attracting more of the same. When we remain focused on our intentions, we will draw those t

  • Humankind's Relationship with God

    25/02/2020 Duração: 19min

    Is God really "our father"? If God is, then what does that mean theologically? When we refer to God as our father, what kind of imagery comes to our minds? I feel fairly safe in saying that for most people the image that comes to mind is that of a larger (much larger) version of ourselves. We refer to this image as the Supreme Being. It is all powerful, all knowing and everywhere present, but it is "a being" nevertheless. One problem with this vision is that it creates an image of God which is like us, and the Bible clearly states that it is we who are like God. Another problem with this image that it separate us from God. God is something else which, of course, means we are not really like it. So if indeed, as Scripture says, we are the image and likeness of God, what does that mean? Christian tradition tells us that God is Love and God is Spirit. Christian tradition also tells us that God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. How is it then that God can be three "things" and yet still be One God? Think about this

  • Inner Peace for Busy People (Part 1)

    30/10/2019 Duração: 22min

    The last two times I've spoken, I have talked about the Spiritual Tools we have in our Spiritual Toolbox. We say that we are not human beings seeking "a spiritual end to our lives". That instead, WE ARE SPIRITUAL BEINGS, first and foremost, and what is happening is that we are having a human experience. Because most people see ourselves as primarily human, our focus has been on the human experience as the foundation of reality. This is fundamentally flawed and along with this error in focus, comes an error in perception. We perceive ourselves to be helpless victims in an alien universe. As such, our goal becomes future based instead present based. Consequently we lose out on the opportunity to make this human experience a wonderful and rewarding one. On this episode, I will start a new series to help us re-focus our attention. I will be using a book by Joan Borysenko, Ph.D. called "Inner Peace for Busy People; 52 Simple Strategies for Transforming Your Life". In this book Dr. Borysenko offers us simple tech

  • Spiritual Tools (Part 1)

    23/09/2019 Duração: 19min

    Let me ask you a question. How many tools do you have in your spiritual toolbox? If you're like most people, you have one: prayer. That's a very good spiritual tool to have, but it's only one. Did you know you actually have fourteen spiritual tools? Imagine the kind of life you could build if your spiritual toolbox had fourteen tools in it, and you actually used them on a consistent basis? The truth is we all have access to these tools, most of us are just not aware of them. As a result, we don't use them and our lives manifest in some, not so pleasant, ways. In this episode, we're going to cover some of these tools. Build a better you! Build a better life!

  • The Abundant Universe

    22/07/2019 Duração: 20min

    The abundant universe

  • The Power of Will

    22/02/2019 Duração: 29min

    The power of will

  • How Big is Your God?

    04/08/2018 Duração: 22min

    How big is your God?

  • You Are the Universe

    05/06/2018 Duração: 31min

    This lesson comes from 2 books—You are the Universe by Deepak Chopra & Menas Kafatos and From Science to God by Peter Russell. In this episode, we will explore the paradigm shift on the unfolding consciousness of planet Earth. A paradigm is essentially a worldview understanding of something. Just as Copernicus was instrumental in changing the notion that the Earth appeared to be the center of the universe and creation, these books are bringing into question our currently held beliefs of what “appears” to be going on now.

  • Reading the Bible Again for the First Time

    20/04/2018 Duração: 20min

    In this episode, I will review another book by Biblical scholar Rev. Marcus Borg. titled:" Reading the Bible Again for the First Time”. Rev. Borg had been studying and teaching the Bible in private and public colleges, universities and graduate schools for over 35 years when he wrote these books. The books represent a departure from the traditional way of seeing Jesus and the Bible. He says it this way: "As we enter the 21st century, we need a new set of lenses through which to read the Bible. The older set, ground and polished by modernity, no longer works for millions of people. These lenses need to be replaced. The older way of seeing and reading the Bible, which I will soon describe, has made the Bible incredible and irrelevant for vast numbers of of my central purposes in this book provide Christians with a persuasive way of seeing and reading their sacred scriptures, a way that takes the Bible seriously without taking it literally." Perhaps you are one of those vast numbe

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