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Inner Peace for Busy People (Part 1)



The last two times I've spoken, I have talked about the Spiritual Tools we have in our Spiritual Toolbox. We say that we are not human beings seeking "a spiritual end to our lives". That instead, WE ARE SPIRITUAL BEINGS, first and foremost, and what is happening is that we are having a human experience. Because most people see ourselves as primarily human, our focus has been on the human experience as the foundation of reality. This is fundamentally flawed and along with this error in focus, comes an error in perception. We perceive ourselves to be helpless victims in an alien universe. As such, our goal becomes future based instead present based. Consequently we lose out on the opportunity to make this human experience a wonderful and rewarding one. On this episode, I will start a new series to help us re-focus our attention. I will be using a book by Joan Borysenko, Ph.D. called "Inner Peace for Busy People; 52 Simple Strategies for Transforming Your Life". In this book Dr. Borysenko offers us simple tech