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Humankind's Relationship with God



Is God really "our father"? If God is, then what does that mean theologically? When we refer to God as our father, what kind of imagery comes to our minds? I feel fairly safe in saying that for most people the image that comes to mind is that of a larger (much larger) version of ourselves. We refer to this image as the Supreme Being. It is all powerful, all knowing and everywhere present, but it is "a being" nevertheless. One problem with this vision is that it creates an image of God which is like us, and the Bible clearly states that it is we who are like God. Another problem with this image that it separate us from God. God is something else which, of course, means we are not really like it. So if indeed, as Scripture says, we are the image and likeness of God, what does that mean? Christian tradition tells us that God is Love and God is Spirit. Christian tradition also tells us that God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. How is it then that God can be three "things" and yet still be One God? Think about this