The Table Principle



Welcome to The Table Principle by Jethro Staggs. A podcast about the power of connection, conversation and community and how you can integrate those 3 things into your everyday life.


  • #3: How To Respect People's Opinions

    18/05/2019 Duração: 07min

    On Episode #3 I discuss how our country & world is being divided because we are focusing too much on who is right and not on common ground & respect of other's opinions

  • #2: Are you actually 'busy'?

    04/04/2019 Duração: 12min

    So many people throw around the word 'busy' but is it actually true? On the second episode of The Table Principle, we look at the power of conversation and how it is the first step to creating a connection with someone then building a community. We look at the word 'busy' and how it can be destructive to the relationships around us. Make sure to send me a message if you have any questions! I would love to connect with you!

  • #1: Welcome to The Table Principle

    25/03/2019 Duração: 08min

    Welcome to the first episode of The Table Principle. This is the start of a journey where you and I have a conversation, that starts a connection and builds a community. On this episode we dive into the meaning of The Table Principle and why you need to be a part of it. We also talk about the power of gratitude and the positive influence it has on both your mental and physical health.