


Geekism is a podcast about all things nerd. Cory and Teeg talk about comics, tv shows, movies and video games and do their best to stay on topic.


  • Episode 148: New show, who dis?

    16/01/2019 Duração: 46min

    We took some extended time off and now its time to get back into gear. hopefully we remembered how to do this right.

  • Episode 147: Swinging back into action!

    26/09/2018 Duração: 01h08min

    After some much needed time off, the boys are back and this time we're talking about everyone's favorite wall crawler. That's right we're talking Spider-Man, more specifically the newest video game version on the PS4. There's some other random bits a long this web of an episode too.

  • Episode 145: An Ant-Man sized episode

    09/07/2018 Duração: 40min

    Ant-man and the Wasp just dropped in theaters. So you already know what time it is.

  • Episode 08: The Joker shops at Hot Topic

    28/04/2015 Duração: 18min

    Let's just say this episode is about the mess that is the official reveal of The Joker for the upcoming Suicide Squad movie by David Ayer. It's bad guys, it may be a troll, it may be just references for the 75th anniversary of the character and even then it's just bad.