Intelligent Design The Future



The ID The Future (IDTF) podcast carries on Discovery Institute's mission of exploring the issues central to evolution and intelligent design. IDTF is a short, weekly podcast providing you with the most current news and views on evolution and ID. IDTF delivers brief interviews with key scientists and scholars developing the theory of ID, as well as insightful commentary from Discovery Institute senior fellows and staff on the scientific, educational and legal aspects of the debate.


  • Stephen Meyer on Isaac Newton and the Scientific Revolution

    01/05/2024 Duração: 01h29min

    On this ID The Future, we're pleased to bring you a longer-form conversation between philosopher of science Dr. Stephen Meyer and Rice University chemist and professor Dr. James Tour about Sir Isaac Newton and his influence on modern science. Dr. Meyer explains why the scientific revolution occurred when and where it did. He also describes Newton's singular contributions to science and his lasting legacy. This interview originally aired on The Science and Faith Podcast. We are grateful to Dr. Tour for permission to share it. Source

  • A Reading From The Big Bang Revolutionaries

    29/04/2024 Duração: 15min

    While the West reeled from America's stock market crash of 1929, another crisis was brewing in the field of cosmology. One of the most ambitious scientific theories in history--that the universe had a beginning--was beginning to take shape, ushering in a new cosmological paradigm. But the real heroes of the Big Bang revolution have been largely forgotten. A new book from Discovery Institute Press amends the record and tells the remarkable story. On this ID The Future, host Andrew McDiarmid reads an excerpt from The Big Bang Revolutionaries, by distinguished astrophysicist Jean-Pierre Luminet. Source

  • How Finely Tuned Is Our Universe?

    26/04/2024 Duração: 35min

    On this ID the Future from the archive, Baylor University computer engineering professor Robert J. Marks hosts Ola Hössjer of Stockholm University and Daniel Díaz of the University of Miami to discuss a recent research paper the three contributed to the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, “Is Cosmological Tuning Fine or Coarse?" Although it's no easy question to answer rigorously, the paper sheds new light on just how finely tuned our universe--and our existence--actually is. In this conversation, Marks, Hössjer, and Díaz unpack the long answer. Source

  • Unraveling the Mess of Arachnid Phylogeny

    24/04/2024 Duração: 38min

    Classifying organisms is an important function of biology. But if phylogenetics is ultimately based on a floundering theory of origins, how helpful is it to our understanding of living things? On this ID The Future, host Andrew McDiarmid and paleoentemologist Gunter Bechly unpack some of the major problems with arachnid phylogeny and its implications for the common descent hypothesis. Source

  • Top Ten Cheats in “Monumental” Origin of Life Research

    22/04/2024 Duração: 38min

    A Washington Post headline recently declared that a "monumental experiment suggests how life on earth may have started." The reality, however, is far more sobering. In this episode of ID the Future, host Eric Anderson sits down with accomplished medical engineer and origin of life author, Robert Stadler, to discuss what this new research actually shows and the relevance to abiogenesis. More episodes and show notes at Source

  • The High Tech Animal Navigation That Defies Darwinian Explanations

    19/04/2024 Duração: 35min

    On this classic episode of ID the Future from the vault, we spotlight the book Animal Algorithms: Evolution and the Mysterious Origin of Ingenious Instincts. The author, Eric Cassell, joins host and Baylor computer engineering professor Robert J. Marks to discuss the groundbreaking book and, in particular, the chapters on some of the animal kingdom’s most stunning navigators—the arctic tern, homing pigeons, the monarch butterfly, and the desert ant, among others. Enjoy more episodes and find show notes at! Source

  • How Earth is Designed for Human Technology

    17/04/2024 Duração: 32min

    You may already know about the mounting evidence from physics, chemistry, biology, and related fields that suggests our universe was designed for large multi-cellular beings like ourselves. But did you know there is also evidence that Earth is uniquely fit for human technology? On this ID The Future, host Andrew McDiarmid speaks with physicist Dr. Brian Miller about the convergence of design parameters that come together to pave the way for human technological advancement. Get show notes and more episodes at! Source

  • How to Combat Censorship in Science

    15/04/2024 Duração: 31min

    Scientific censorship is on the rise. Governments are colluding with Big Tech to suppress unfavorable ideas. De-platforming and dismissal campaigns are all the rage. How do we prevent our society from slouching towards totalitarianism? On this ID The Future, host Casey Luskin welcomes science writer and journalist Denyse O'Leary to discuss today's forms of censorship, how it affects the intelligent design community, and most importantly, what we can do about it. Source

  • Did Consciousness Evolve?

    12/04/2024 Duração: 19min

    On this ID The Future episode from the vault, neurosurgeon Michael Egnor interviews Bernardo Kastrup, a philosopher with a background in computer engineering, about consciousness, evolution, and intelligent design. Did consciousness evolve? What does the evidence suggest? And how do materialists deal with the seemingly immaterial reality that is consciousness? Enjoy this guest episode from Mind Matters, a podcast of Discovery Institute’s Walter Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence. Listen to more episodes at and Source

  • Why Science Needs a Scout Mindset

    10/04/2024 Duração: 28min

    Scout or soldier? When it comes to our opinions and beliefs, there's a bit of both in all of us. But which mindset is more beneficial? On this ID The Future, host Andrew McDiarmid welcomes Dr. Jonathan McLatchie to discuss the characteristics of a scout mindset and how it relates to the debate over evolution and the evidence for intelligent design. Get full show notes at Source

  • Meyer & Tour on New Critiques of Origin of Life Research

    08/04/2024 Duração: 55min

    On this ID The Future, we're pleased to share a new discussion between Dr. James Tour and Dr. Stephen Meyer about recent critiques of origin of life research published in the prestigious science journal Nature. The interview originally aired on The Science and Faith Podcast, hosted by Dr. Tour. We are grateful to Dr. Tour for permission to share this interview on ID The Future. Source

  • A Battle of Predictions: Junk DNA’s ‘Kuhnian’ Paradigm Shift

    05/04/2024 Duração: 31min

    Prevailing scientific assumptions often die hard, especially when they fit so neatly into an evolutionary view of the development of life on earth. On this episode of ID The Future from the archive, Dr. Casey Luskin gives host Andrew McDiarmid the scoop on one of the biggest mistakes in science of our lifetime: the concept of "junk DNA." Even if you’ve already heard this episode, listen again, and then share it with a friend! The myth of junk DNA is a major example of why a Darwinian paradigm can slow the progress of science, while a design perspective can open up new avenues for research and discovery. Find additional show notes at Source

  • Enjoy an Exclusive Reading From Maverick Scientist

    03/04/2024 Duração: 16min

    Curiosity can lead to unexpected adventures. For self-taught scientist Forrest Mims, it inspired a successful career in science and technology. On this ID The Future, host Andrew McDiarmid reads an exclusive excerpt from Mims’s new memoir Maverick Scientist: My Adventures as an Amateur Scientist. Also: don't miss our two-part interview with Forrest Mims about his memoir! Source

  • Online Course Explores History of Science and Christianity

    01/04/2024 Duração: 22min

    Did Christianity help or hinder the rise of science? On this ID The Future, host Andrew McDiarmid speaks with Dr. Melissa Cain Travis about her latest online course Science & Christianity: An Historical Exploration. The live 6-week course offered this spring gives a small cohort of students the opportunity to dive into the historical relationship between science and Christianity and the skill to address the distorted historical narratives that persist in the contemporary conversation. Source

  • Thomas Reid’s Common Sense Design Philosophy

    29/03/2024 Duração: 21min

    On this episode of ID the Future from the archive, host Jay Richards speaks with James Barham about his carefully revised edition of 18th century Scottish Enlightenment philosopher Thomas Reid's lectures on natural theology. Source

  • My Adventures As an Amateur Scientist

    27/03/2024 Duração: 37min

    Can a successful scientist be self-taught? On this ID The Future, host Andrew McDiarmid concludes his conversation with Forrest M. Mims about his new memoir Maverick Scientist: My Adventures as an Amateur Scientist. Without a college science degree, Mims taught himself the fundamentals of engineering and atmospheric science that fueled an impressive career in science and technology. Listen as he shares more stories from an inspiring career! This interview is also available in video form. See the Discovery Science YouTube channel for links. Source

  • Forrest Mims: The Making of a Maverick Scientist

    25/03/2024 Duração: 34min

    What does it take to be a scientist? For Forrest Mims, the answer is simple: you just have to do science. On this ID The Future, host Andrew McDiarmid begins a two-part conversation with a man who has forged an impressive scientific career on curiosity, determination, and a lot of hard work. In the first of a two-part interview, Mims discusses his coming of age in the silicon era, sharing some of his many exploits as a young inventor and amateur scientist. Mims's new memoir Maverick Scientist is now available. More at Source

  • Michael Behe: A Mousetrap for Darwin

    22/03/2024 Duração: 22min

    On this ID the Future from the vault, host Eric Anderson interviews biochemist Michael Behe about his book A Mousetrap for Darwin. Behe answers misconceptions about irreducible complexity, responds to the claim that "molecular machines" is a misnomer, and relates surprising confessions he's heard from fellow biologists about evolutionary theory. Source

  • The Panda’s Thumb: An Extraordinary Instance of Design?

    20/03/2024 Duração: 27min

    Does the panda's thumb refute intelligent design? Or is it one of the most extraordinary manipulation systems in the mammalian world, as one respected study has found? On this ID The Future, host Casey Luskin speaks with philosopher Dr. Stephen Dilley about his recent paper evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of the iconic panda's thumb argument for evolution. Source

  • Stephen Meyer: Scientific Arguments for a Theistic Worldview

    18/03/2024 Duração: 01h11min

    Are there strong scientific arguments for theism? Is there such a thing as objective morality? How is a worldview built? On this ID The Future, philosopher of science Dr. Stephen Meyer answers these questions and more in the first hour of a new two-hour interview on various topics related to his work and books. Dr. Meyer answers questions related to worldview, consciousness, arguments for theism, objective morality, materialism, the nature of information, and more. This is Part 1 of a two-part interview. Source

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