Inspired Radio



Dreams reveal an understanding of who you are and where you are going, as if some part of your mind knows you better than you know yourself. Join author, motivational speaker and dream analyst Kari Hohne in this inspirational podcast series that explores how dreams reveal the life path. Tapping the meaning of your dreams is a powerful tool to achieve self knowledge, wellness, and lasting success. Other topics include the inspirational wisdom of nature's amazing processes and living an inspired life.


  • Our Place Radio Interview with Kari Hohne

    02/03/2014 Duração: 08min

    Kari Hohne is interviewed on Our Place Radio and discusses God of Drum and how it awakens Chakra energy. "The rhythms in this album are quite compelling. God Of Drum is a wonderful, moving experience. Get Tribal and Kari Hohne capture the essence of rhythm, and sends listeners on a deep inner journey." "What is most compelling is the breadth of Hohne's vision in composing this album."

  • Harborough FM UK Hawke Chillout with Kari Hohne

    25/01/2014 Duração: 24min

    Kari Hohne discusses her album God of Drum on the Hawke Chillout Session UK. "This music walks you through elements of Chakra healing. Each track is absolutely inspirational and I was hooked by the up tempo beat and relentless energy. " "This album is a keeper. If there was a rating higher than five, I would give it whole heartedly."

  • Metaphors in Dreams

    12/02/2013 Duração: 09min

    Dream interpretation requires that we begin to see ordinary symbols in a more profound way. Dreams are very similar to how poems pack intense meaning into one symbol that can at first appear out of place. Join Kari Hohne in this podcast that explores how understanding metaphor allows us to gain valuable insight into dream symbols.

  • What Guides our Dreams?

    12/02/2013 Duração: 13min

    There are many theories that explain why we dream, although one aspect continues to present us with a mystery. What is it that guides our dreams? Join Kari Hohne as she explores Freud's idea of the Id, Jung's writings about the Self, natural processes and spiritual perspectives that can help us understand the guiding mechanism of our dreams.

  • Dream Interpretation of Nightmares

    20/05/2012 Duração: 10min

    Nightmares are a positive sign that some type of powerful growth is seeking release in the psyche. Many of our dreams are exploring conflict, although nightmares bring us to a threshold where we can no longer deny the emerging side of us that has remained in hiding. Join Kari Hohne as she discusses the Shadow and the tremendous reservoir of power that is being explored through nightmares.

  • Archetypes in Dreams

    20/05/2012 Duração: 10min

    Archetypes appear in dreams to embody traits we are exploring and adopting. These thematic characters inspire us with elements previously unknown to us. Dream analysts recognize patterns that unfold in a consistent way when looking at a series of dreams over time. Join Kari Hohne as she discusses how Archetypes reveal the type of initiation we are undergoing in our hero's journey toward individuation.

  • Synchronicity in Dreams

    20/05/2012 Duração: 16min

    Dreams use clever and cryptic symbols to show us how we are off track. They reveal how at some deep level we have an understanding of where we are going - even before we realize it consciously. Synchronicity allows for a shift into our timeless, dreaming perspective. It is the sensation we feel when unrelated events occur simultaneously to offer us personal meaning. Join Kari Hohne as she discusses how to enhance your awareness of synchronicity through dream interpretation.

  • Why Dreams Are So Bizarre

    06/03/2012 Duração: 04min

    If dreams are trying to teach you something, why are they so bizarre or different from ordinary experience? This podcast explores how dreams use cryptic symbols to allow ideas to transcend the ego's defenses. It is often the most bizarre symbol that dreamers dismiss which will offers the greatest clue in how to overcome conflict and achieve fulfillment.

  • Comprehensive Dream Interpretation

    24/01/2012 Duração: 08min

    Understanding the meaning of your dreams reveals your life purpose and allows you to achieve lasting success. Explore the 3 parts of every dream that present conflict and the pathway to its resolution. Join expert dream analyst Kari Hohne as she teaches you how to interpret your dreams in this free Comprehensive Dream Interpretation podcast.

  • Beginner's Guide to Dream Interpretation

    13/12/2011 Duração: 05min

    Understanding the meaning of your dreams can become a powerful tool to increase self knowledge, wellness, and to help you achieve lasting success. Dreams reveal an understanding of who you are and where you are going, as if some part of your mind knows you better than you know yourself.