Lifehouse Hong Kong

What’s So Special About Bethlehem? 伯利恆有多特別?



2019/12/24 Pastor Richard Welsh 韋日卓牧師 Categories: Video: What’s so special about Bethlehem? 伯利恆有多特別? 1 - The Place of Bethlehem 1 - 伯利恆這地方 Micah 5:2 NLT [2] But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, are only a small village among all the people of Judah. Yet a ruler of Israel, whose origins are in the distant past, will come from you on my behalf. 彌迦書 5:2 CCB 以法他的伯利恆啊,你在猶大各城中毫不起眼,但將有一位從你那裡出來,為我統治以色列;祂的根源自亙古,來自太初。 2 - The People of Bethlehem 2 - 伯利恆的人 Luke 2:4 NLT [4] And because Joseph was a descendant of King David, he had to go to Bethlehem in Judea, David's ancient home. He traveled there from the village of Nazareth in Galilee. 路加福音 2:4 CCB 約瑟因為是大衛家族的人,就從加利利的拿撒勒鎮趕到猶太地區大衛的故鄉伯利恆, 3 - The Problems of Bethlehem 3 - 伯利恆的問題 4 - The Promise of Bethlehem 4 - 伯利恆的應許 Micah 5:4-5a NLT [4] And he will stand to lead his flock with the LORD's strength, in the majesty of the name of the LORD his God. Then his people will live there und