HALO Talks

Episode #474: Exercise as Medicine-Dr. Kenneth Cooper's Trailblazing Insights on Preventive Health



Dr. Kenneth Cooper (often referred to as the "Father of Aerobics") has been a one of the seminal pioneers in the field of preventive medicine for over five decades. Despite tremendous skepticism from the medical community at large initially, he founded the Cooper Clinic in Dallas in December, 1970 with the belief that taking care of healthy individuals was just as important as treating the sick. Over the years, he has worked to change the perception of preventive medicine and has become a leading advocate for fitness and wellness. His dedication to promoting healthy lifestyles has made arguably one of the biggest impacts in the field of medicine over the past few decades, and his work continues to not only teach physicians, but also to inspire others to prioritize their health and well-being. Dr. Cooper shares his personal daily exercise routine, and information about his upcoming documentary and book releases. Pete and Dr. Cooper delve into the importance of physical fitness in reducing healthcare costs and