Digging For The Truth With Ark And Neo

Digging for the Truth BONUS EPISODE #12: (Breaking free from the chains of yoga, new age, witchcraft, shamanism and drugs. The incredible testimony of JP Slaughter 8/11/14



PODCAST #12 BONUS EPISODE: BREAKING FREE FROM THE CHAINS OF YOGA, NEW AGE, WITCHCRAFT, SHAMANISM, AND DRUGS. THE INCREDIBLE TESTIMONY OF JP SLAUGHTER This is an absolutely amazing journey of a young man who grew up with parents who were both youth ministers in a charismatic church who ended up going down a very dark path. He shares with us how everything went downhill when his parents got divorced which led him to question religion and his purpose in life and whether what he was taught was true or not. This took him down a prodigal's son path which eventually led to diving deep into yoga and hinduism, the new age, tarot cards, astrology, witchcraft, the new age, messianic complexes, drugs and shamanism, sleep paralysis and out of body experiences as well as suicide attempts, mental hospitals and more drugs....to even wanting to be part of the illuminati or some secret society to protect him....and this is just the start. Out of all of this came full on demonic possession and eventually an exorcism and final