Playing Full Out With Rita Hyland

109. Why Who You Are Matters Just As Much As The Work



Recently I was asked, “What 3 things do you wish someone had told you?” I want to share with you the most significant one of the three which is also one of the biggest mistakes I often see being made by people in leadership, business, and entrepreneurship.  Once I learned this, things started happening naturally for me and my business began to flourish. If you’ve ever found yourself trying to be someone you’re not, you’ll want to listen to this one, friend. Our mission is to help you become unstoppable so you can do the best work of your career while you enjoy more inner peace and freedom. Head to and sign up to receive podcast announcements and exclusive tips to unleash more of your creativity, productivity, and ingenuity in your work and at home.  If this episode was helpful for you…  Share it with someone who will benefit from hearing it too!  That way we all improve. Also, be sure to leave a review on Apple Podcasts letting me know what you enjoy about Playing Full Out and any questions yo