Gmb Fitness Show - Physical Autonomy

Rings vs. Bar for Pull-Ups



Which is better for pull-ups - rings or bar?As in most things, there's only one right answer, and it's completely obvious. Just kidding... we're actually gonna give everybody's least favorite answer on this one: it depends. But why? What does it depend on? If you're just learning pull-ups (going from zero to your very first pull-up), what's the best way to learn?And if you can already do some pull-ups and want to figure out the best way to continue using them to get even stronger, how do you know the best methods to do so?We'll talk about pros and cons of both rings and bar for pull-ups and different variations and assistance techniques we prefer for training at various stages. We also cover details a lot of people tend to gloss over, like wrist health, building comfort on your chosen apparatus, and how to gage progress when just counting reps doesn't feel like it's moving very fast. We've talked before about ways to build back strength _without_ pull-ups, and