Success Smackdown Live With Kat

Get over yourself - it’s not whether or not you feel like it that builds the thing!!



This episode of The Rebel Millionaire Podcast is here to remind you get over yourself and do what you came here to do, and that is - To let what’s inside of you out, to share your message with the world! I get it. I still have days where I feel like I have nothing to share and doubt myself or that I’m repeating myself. Here’s the thing - For anyone who is a true artist and creator it’s not about whether or not you feel like showing up, or if you feel your message is worth sharing.  It’s not up to you to be the editor or the critic of your own art, what it comes down to is this: Are you a person who is meant to let what’s inside of them out? And if so - Do you know you’re meant to do that right now? You don’t need to feel certain or sure, it’s not about you. It’s about the message! Check out the full podcast to receive the transmission you know you need to flick the switch and BE the damn person you came here to be.-------------------- Hi, I'm Katrina Ruth. I’m a self-made multi-millionaire, and I work wi