Success Smackdown Live With Kat

If you wanna be the damn person - BE the damn person



This episode of The Rebel Millionaire Podcast is jam packed with fire and gold soul reminders needed to help shift you into BEING the damn person. Here’s the thing - At some point you need to decide that the only person who can appoint you as the leader you are - is you. Everyone you see as being the badass rocking it, who are out there in the public eye and unapologetically putting themselves out there, did not wake up and roll out of bed that way. They CHOSE to step into who they are. They CHOSE to be the damn person. Where are you not stepping up? Where is it that you are holding back and hiding? Check out the full podcast to receive the transmission you know you need to flick the switch and BE the damn person you came here to be - It’s time.-------------------- Hi, I'm Katrina Ruth. I’m a self-made multi-millionaire, and I work with successful badasses like YOU, who kick their OWN ass … and then I kick it a little bit harder. I currently live on the Gold Coast of Australia, and I’m Mum to my two beau