Digging For The Truth With Ark And Neo

(Fake News and Censorship) Digging for the Truth with Ark and Neo episode #23



Digging for the Truth with Ark and Neo Episode #23 In this episode we discuss the fake news and censorship of our media and how it has gotten out of control and the reasons behind it. We also discuss many other topics in our absolutely insane times we are living and demonic manifestations from the liberal left all around us. Be sure to check out Destiny Lab at: http://www.destinylab.com http://patreon.com/destinylab https://twitter.com/destinylab https://www.facebook.com/destinylab http://www.reverbnation.com/destinylab We also discuss a Destiny Lab's new album and patreon page with details below: Destiny Lab is back with a brand new album in the works called "Shift Your Paradigm!" Be the first to hear brand new songs from our 4th album exploring the topics of artificial intelligence, interdimesional entities and quantum computers and how they connect to the ongoing transhuman deceptions of the enemy. Download new songs now from Destiny Lab's new album "Shift Your Paradigm" at www.patreon.com/destinyla