Montreal Sauce

Taco Skate Co. vs. Sting's Pan Flutes



Another hour with Adriean Koleric on street art, collage, podcasting from a VW and being a Detroit Pistons fan in Western Canada. You can find the first part here. An architect and painter that inspires Adriean is Will Alsop. The OCAD building can be seen in pictures on the web! Such wow! Try Flickr. Adriean was also inspired by Frank R. Paul. Just look at the images that pop up in a DuckDuckGo search! Gorgeous. Frank R. Paul illustrated a number of pulp magazines in his time like Science Wonder Stories. Adriean worked with Chad Kouri, with the Monster Lamp. Motomichi Nakamura also did a Monster Lamp. Keep an eye on Kijiji if you want to be a Taco Skate Co. intern. Meet Murphy, the amazing pug sidekick and Adriean’s dog. is Adriean’s goto for custom stickers. Adriean used to host a radio show on CJSR. What’chu talking ‘bout? We chat about Andre Drummond and Mr. Drummond. Keep an eye on the Think Item Instagram account for art giveaways like the one we talked about on t