Montreal Sauce

Talking Multiple Sclerosis



Alison Hagan of the MS Society shared her journey on this episode. Conversation about the importance of farm communities, the history of cutting and pasting, the state of journalism, cycling culture and much more. We also ask the question, “what is progress?” Alison & Paul swap 4-H stories. Paul tells us about founding the West Michigan Coop. Alison attended the University of Regina. Our guest recommends CBC, NPR and Common Dreams for news coverage. Paul likes the BBC and Aljazeera. Alison moved up the ranks of the MS Society from Red Deer to Edmonton. We learn about the support the MS Society offers. University of Alberta. Canadians, be sure to get your vitamin D! We learn about the popularity of the MS Bike events in Canada. Alison & the Canadian MS Society work closely with the National MS Society in the States. The BP MS 150 from Houston to Austin. You can also help by participating in the MS Walk. In Edmonton it is held at the Ballpark, formerly Telus Field. Stew Hutchings of th