Montreal Sauce

The Challenge of Being Inclusive Not Exclusive



The second half of our conversation with German Villages of the Modern Manhood podcast and web site. We continue our conversation about masculinity, sports, stigmas around therapy, Super Mario World, and TRUCKS! Men Edmonton is a grass root group talking about violence against women, feminism and masculinity. One of German’s earliest interviews was with one of the founders of Men Edmonton, Ryan Valley. Some really amazing films mentioned by German, Miss Representation and The Mask You Live In. Please find them on Netflix, or wherever, and watch. Men Edmonton sponsored an event in April of 2017 where they screened The Mask You Live In and held a panel afterwards. German recorded the session for the Modern Manhood podcast. Michael Kimmel studies gender and is featured in the documentaries mentioned above. The Precarious Manhood Theory revolves around fear. If a man’s masculinity is challenged, he’s more likely to engage in aggressive or stereotypical male behaviors. Hockey is a “ma