Montreal Sauce

Pumpkin Town



What in the name of Zork? Long story fake, Paul found a genie and got his dream of being turned into a computer. Unfortunately, it was an evil genie so Paul was not turned into a gorgeous Macbook, instead he’s an Apple IIe. Join Daniel J. Hogan, Arturo Vergara, and co-host Chris as they abuse computer Paul by loading up a text adventure game that forces him to say “I do not understand ____,” over and over. Also, stick around for the bodacious surfer, brah. It’s time for guess-the-verb. Uh oh, we’re on Elm Street? Stay out of that storm drain! Let’s chew bubble gum and kick ass! We found a tumbler in the game! So Dan decided to update Tumblr. It’s a peep show! Previous guest, Jacob, listening in the chatroom suggests putting our zombie milk in a bag. No points for an Enemy Mine reference? Arturo helps us learn what “pixie dust” is slang for. Apparently, it is not cocaine according to urban dictionary. Things get creepy with references from Hobo With A Sho