Montreal Sauce

Sauce Packet: Star Trek Discovery



As we consume bad movies for Film Frown, palate cleansers are very useful. Paul and Chris get together to discuss the latest incarnation of Star Trek in a short episode we like to call a Sauce Packet! SPOILERS AHEAD! In other words, don’t engage unless you are out of star dock. It’s the Michael Burnham Show, a.k.a Star Trek Discovery. Chris posits that Scott McNulty, the host of Random Trek will enjoy the serial nature of the new show. The joy of Riker’s Beard. Who doesn’t love mirror universe Michelle Yeoh? The Harry Mudd universe. That time Christopher Llyod mumbled his way through Klingon in Star Trek III. Why was the show delayed so many times? Sisko uses some questionable tactics to get the Romulans into the Dominion War In the Pale Moonlight. “Midi-canon,” a word proposed by Chris to refer to prequels that attempt to make new additions or changes to existing canonical material. For example, Midi-chlorians. Thanks for listening! If you want to hear more of us on me