Montreal Sauce

It's Obviously Very Expensive Soap and He Clearly Paid For It



Our first interview of the new season continues with Sean Tilley of We Distribute. We talk curating video via “Frown Tube,” San Francisco’s chilly weather not seen on TV, and the service industry. We also discuss how funding the things we love and keeping them going is a difficult thing when their competing with “free” centralized services. Sean is using Pleroma, a social network that federates with Mastodon and others using the Activity Pub protocol. Our guest is experimenting with FunkWhale, a social network with sharing music at its core (Also using Activity Pub). Peertube is a YouTube replacement from the world of open source. Sean explains how it works. A really great human in the fediverse, Wakest, gave Sean this list of 40+ fediverse projects in the works. During the recording, Jacky was in the chatroom asking questions and contributing to the conversation. Sean used to work at BackerKit. What’s Paul using right now? He’s been playing with Sean