Team Guru Podcast

Episode 187 | Reclaim Your Life | Mel Kettle



How to reclaim your life from the hysterical demands of the modern workplace. If you feel like your job is grinding you into dust - you are not lone. An alarming percentage of us feel like our work is keeping our anxiety levels disturbingly high, keeping us from doing the things we love and spending quality time with the people we care about. Our work is knocking our lives out of shape. Sometimes it feels like we humans have taken a wrong turn somewhere along the way and we’re following a path where priorities are completely out of whack - the important things are pushed to the side for the hysterical demands of the modern workplace. And often - and this is the worst bit - we accept it as just the way things are. And we struggle on. It’s wrong and know it. My guest in this episode is Mel Kettle. Mel knows about a life knocked into the wrong shape as well as anyone. But she’s done something about it. Her brand new book is called Fully Connected - How great leaders prioritise themselves, reclaim their e