Rebel Guru Radio

S2 E27, What Are You Waiting For: Spiritual Motivation, Mindfulness, Self-Improvement, Daily Meditations, and Spiritual Discipline, Tough-love.



This latest series is a compendium of conversations with Eric, recordings that span over a 20-year period. Before the days of smartphones, friends and students maintained a tradition of recording Eric when he would start teaching.Notice: Material was done in a natural environment, passionately, unrehearsed, and unscripted. Audio recordings may include occasional pets, people talking, and adult language. If you are seeking the real deal, you’ve found it. What is What Are You Waiting For? All About?Eric discovers that a few of his personal students have been slacking off. When they’re with their teacher, they act as if they are truly committed to their spiritual path but when they’re away from their teacher, they lack the necessary consistency to gain any measurable progress in their spiritual growth.After dedicating a considerable amount of time towards the creation of a technique schedule, Eric is disappointed to learn that the students who requested this schedule have abandoned their practices and forgo