Rebel Guru Radio

S2 E29, Struggle to Awaken: Seekers of Enlightenment, Spiritual Struggles, Process of Awakening, Expect Nothing and Gain Everything.



This latest series is a compendium of conversations with Eric, recordings that span over a 20-year period. Before the days of smartphones, friends and students maintained a tradition of recording Eric when he would start teaching.Notice: Material was done in a natural environment, passionately, unrehearsed, and unscripted. Audio recordings may include occasional pets, people talking, and adult language. If you are seeking the real deal, you’ve found it. What is The Struggle to Awaken All About?On your journey to attain higher states of consciousness, there are sure to be many obstacles one must overcome. A path full of deterrents and hardships is the way of the White Cell.In this module, Eric addresses some of the major struggles seekers of enlightenment come across and offers his words of wisdom on overcoming these commonplace obstacles. This module emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and recognizing your perception of reality.Eric uses many powerful analogies to promote this thought process by