Business Mindset Podcast With Holly Worton| Business Mindset For Women Entrepreneurs

483 Erica Terblanche ~ How Nature Helps Us Unlock Our Highest Potential



I’m excited to introduce this week’s guest, Erica Terblanche. Erica was recently introduced to me by Eric Deeter, who was a guest on this show, on episode 368. You’ll hear us saying “Thanks Eric!” in this episode, and that’s who we’re talking about. In this episode, we talk about how nature helps us to unlock our highest potential. We also discuss the cost of being disconnected from nature—mentally, physically, and emotionally.   About Erica Terblanche Erica is a life and well-being coach, and has a popular weekly feature on Mix FM on the science of well-being and how people can build resilience in scientifically validated ways. She has a degree in psychology. a masters in positive psychology from the University of East London in the UK, and several international coaching qualifications that enable her to work with individuals and especially within teams. She has twenty years of corporate experience at Exco and Board level in financial services and holds an MBA from the University of Cape Town. She is also a