Next On The Tee With Chris Mascaro

Hal Sutton, Matthew Laurance, Ross Greenburg, & Tom Patri Join Me...



TP updates us on how things are going in Southwest Florida in the wake of Hurricane Ian. We hear about how the recovery is going for local residents plus the trickle impact on the local golf scene. Many golf courses won't recover because bermuda grass can't tolerate the salt water dumped on them from the surge. Local PGA Professionals are looking at a very difficult Winter season without golf courses to teach on.  Matthew Laurance starred in the movie Eddie & the Cruisers. He shares the story of a very cool recent event where they showed the movie at a local historic theater in Lexington, Kentucky. The event was used to help raise money for victims of the flooding in Eastern Kentucky. Matthew also didn't hold back his hatred when we discussed LIV Golf. Hal Sutton and I started out by talking about his new golf course design project. We also hear which designers have influenced him. I asked Hal about the burden of expectation placed on him as a young player and what he would say to Tom Kim to help him de