Green Gab Podcast – Green Homes, Green Living And Green Companies

2 Ways of Addressing the Labor Shortage with Will Blake



Wicked problems have been a huge part of our lives! Most of us know that the housing market has been a little crazy for the past few years. Some of that has been due to wicked problems like labor shortages, supply chain issues, and even land shortages in many parts of the country.   The labor shortage has been of interest to many people, me and my guest co-host for today included. So, we decided to do something about it!  I’m Marla, the Green Home Coach! Today I am joined by Will Blake, of Vesta Foundation Solutions in Oklahoma City. Will and I have worked together on several projects.  Today, we are talking about workforce development, particularly in the building industry and skilled trades.  Plumbers Lately, it could take weeks or even months to get a plumber to come out unless it’s an emergency, and you are willing to pay double.  A cascading labor shortage The labor shortage in the new build and remodeling industry is cascading! That’s because there aren’t enough people in the trades, especially the lice