Mercy Seat Christian Church

Where Are The Men? A Tumult & A Study Acts 17:1-15



After two and half years, finally getting this sermon posted. Continuing through Acts verse by verse - it is a barn-burner.----This is classic Christianity in action. True Christianity confronts the false religions and paganism of the cultures. True Christianity confronts and comes into conflict with the idols of cultures. And that is what is happening here.----Notice this form of true Christianity is wholly opposite of American Christianity and all the Christianity of the West in our day - which tries to accommodate itself to the world - to live in peaceful coexistence with the world. To appease and conform to the world - even to where it can live in peaceful coexistence with and accommodate itself to homosex - when such behavior is condemned in see-spot-run fashion in Scripture.----We have to ask - where are the men who fear God- All of present-day Christianity tries to effeminize men - make men into women - condemn and cajole manly behavior - and yet, the world is screaming for men who love God to speak- A