Dare To Dream Bigger

Why It’s Time To Stop Lying To Ourselves About Self-Doubt [DTDB040]



It's time to stop lying to ourselves about self-doubt. Do you ever find yourself dreaming big, but playing small? Lying awake at 3am, telling yourself secret stories about why you're not good enough? Have you ever turned down a brilliant opportunity and then regretted it later? Then today's episode of the Dare To Dream Bigger podcast is for you! I'm going to take you through the lies we're telling ourselves about self-doubt - and why we're doing it. At the 17 minute point you'll discover why most of what we're told about this is wrong - and why you will never be able to set yourself free from self-doubt with 'positive thinking'. Plus, as you'd expect from me, I'm going to give you strategies to set yourself free from self-doubt and imposter syndrome, starting today. [smart_track_player url="https://episodes.castos.com/clarejosa/daretodreambigger-episode-040.mp3" title="Why Is It Time To Stop Lying To Ourselves About Self-Doubt" tweet_text="Why it's time to stop lying to ourselves about self-doubt" hashtag="