Dare To Dream Bigger

Ten Surprising Things I Learned At Chris Ducker’s Youpreneur Summit – You Won’t Want To Miss These [DTDB052]



Wish you could have been at Chris Ducker's fabulous Youpreneur Summit last weekend? FOMO-be-gone! Here are ten surprising things I learned there - and you won't want to miss them! And if you were there, I'd love to hear which actions you're taking, based on what you learned. As a massive introvert (though that doesn't mean I'm shy), I don't go to many big events. I choose carefully! But after Chris Ducker's 2017 Youpreneur Summit, I booked my 2018 ticket even before I left. Learning from world experts is great, but I got even more value from the round-table masterminds we did during the event. And this year was just as good for that. I love meeting people I feel I already know from the virtual world and hugging like old friends. It kick-starts relationship-building and JV ideas in a way that a random breakfast networking meeting could never achieve. So I hope you enjoy listening to ten surprising things I learned at this year's Youpreneur Summit - they are all things I will be implementing in my business