Phillip J Rhoades

Love Letter #1



My Dearest Love, The days without you are deserts  of dry and dusty heat. The bright sun of your absence burns my body and  threatens to turn my heart to ash. Oh, but to be in the embrace of your  eyes again, those deep pools of sweet and chilling waters - I dream of  it. How I long for the calming cool of your touch, that blessed shade in  this world of harsh, searing, light. Rescue me from the torment  of the dust and the dry, the heat and the light, this world of endless  fire. Let me lay down my head in your deep shadows and lap greedily at  your waters. Let me swim, and roll, and play, tucked away from the harsh  light of the world in the depths of your shade. You are my oasis of  cool and calm, always. Time without you is torture. Aye, it is  true that in this, Death has given me his pain, but not his release. I  would weep, but my tears are ripped away by the fire of this world  before they can leave me eyes. I would cry out, but my throa