Summerfield Pediatric Dentistry's Podcast

Episode 30: Appointment 30 - Smiley (r)Evolution



Greetings dear Listeners!Welcome once again to our beloved appointments room. You're already here: take off your shoes, shake your body, take a deep breath and draw a big smile in your face because we are about to go on a journey.We've been talking on these space about the necessity of designing new mindsets and change our belief systems so we can be in harmony with ourselves, our family, communities and nature. We embrace the power of music to make these changes happen, at least we encourage through sound this possibility.But there is one big tool to achieve this evolutionary mindset, and our doctors know it: A BIG round smile in our faces. Smile all you can, smile to set yourself free, smile because is the muscular response to LOVE.  Just smile! the world needs it. The warriors we've been talking about, have a smile as a primary weapon of regeneration.So, don't forget to brush your teeth and show to the world your beautiful smile.Get ready for a 3 hours joyful journey into the world's finest organic house,