Three Dogs North

S11 Episode 46 – Enchantemus



In this episode, the dogs talk about how hard it has been to find a time to record (0:50). Connor talks about a new supplement he's taking for joint pain (2:28) and a recent fascination with Bob Ross' mentor: Bill Alexander (5:45). They discuss the pursuit of excellence in different forms, from Michael Jordan (9:40) to The Passion of John the Baptist (14:20). Mike concludes that "a saint is someone who is passionate about the right thing" (25:19). Quotes: "May this time tonight be enchanted." (Rob, 1:00) “Maybe I found the natural HGH that is going to have me Brett Favring well into my 40s” (Connor, 3:37) “I'm all excited! I hope you enjoyed it too…. I love you!” (Connor quoting Bill Alexander, 8:02) “You can recognize excellence in different art forms, even if you aren’t familiar with the art form itself.” (Mike, 9:06) “I am more alive because I am creating.” (Connor on Bill Alexander, 10:20) “The evil one will always try to dampen the experience of both pleasure and pain in a human bei