Fast Leader Show | Stories To Help You Move Onward And Upward...faster

336 Diane Primo - Using Purpose to Transform Your Business



The topic of purpose is everywhere these days. People are talking about purpose. As passionate advocates, we’re delighted to see all the interest. Yet we’ve observed that many organizations are merely scratching the surface. They’re missing the full potential of the nature of purpose that can transform. In this episode, Dianne will discuss the content of her book, ADAPT. Assess - The journey starts and ends with external and internal assessment in an unending loop. Your ability to succeed is grounded in your ability to listen and discover. Define - The definition phase is a company's moment of truth. Do you have a purpose statement, a campaign concept or a holistic approach to leading with purpose within your company? Amplify - This section addresses the elephant in the room- "no one remembers my purpose." It is the planful guide to authentically aligning stakeholders and believably communicating your purpose story. Perform - Performance is easily the most debated topic amongst purpose influencers, challenger