Ministry Of Testing

Testers' Island Discs EP59 - Nicola Lindgren



This month it’s a truly worldwide affair as Neil is joined by Nicola Lindgren, a New Zealander who’s based in Sweden, to share stories of her testing journey and her community content creation, including a newly-published book, “Starting Your Software Testing Career”. We talk about how to reserve the time to participate in extra-curricular activities, and take a deep-dive into the process of creating a book from start to finish, including finding value for your audience, how contributors can help you to create more well-rounded content, getting your content reviewed, and how to promote effectively on social media. On the music front, there are memories of Nicaraguan night-life, graduation parties, Korean dance routines and “songs for squats”! Podcast Links: Nicola’s blog Nicola’s new YouTube channel Leanpub: Starting Your Software Testing Career Amazon: Starting Your Software Testing Career House of Test The Culture Trip: Why Hig