Men In Gorilla Suits

Last Seen...Contemplating Things



So...finally...the lost episode. Gorilla Christopher apologizes for losing his side of the original recording and then...all the wackiness that followed. But...he re-recorded his side of the show and pieced it all together. It's more to the point because to match up cross-talk would have taken a lot of time. So it's pretty much, "Hey: here's a question!" and then Gorilla Shawn's answer and then Gorilla Christopher. Here's what was discussed: When did you first start contemplating things? (And what did you contemplate?) How important is contemplation to you? (And why?) How important do you feel contemplation is to a society? (And why?) What is the last bigger thing you contemplated? How has contemplation made your life better? Is there a downside to being contemplative? Are we very contemplative in the U.S.? Is it better to be contemplative or active? What’s the strangest thing you’ve contemplated? For someone wanting to be more contemplative, what advice would you give them? What is the future