Tj Morris Et Radio

Psychic Medium TJ Morris ET Intuitive Readings LIVE 516-387-1804 SHOW Record!



 Human Interaction is just for FUN! TJ Morris Entertainment Media Friends of ACO Club, BeingTheolocution -SOS Yeomans' Work - Mind Sharing COurage of Convictions - Cyberspace Culture Current Events. Unexampled Views and opinions and 99 percent original as all our higher selves Avant guarde meaning. UFO ALienology Super Natural Conscious is important. Whether a skeptic or believer, we share Lightworkers and Truthseekers. Als  Theoretical Physics, Spiritual Science Theresa J Morris, Cosmos Ambassador, Psychic Publisher Supernatural Talk Shows shares Life Inspiration! TJ is a Life Coach and wrote the book ACE LIFE COACH available on Amazon and Lulu. Theresa shares Ascension Age 2012 & Beyond, Alien Contact Org., and MYGURU.CLUB. Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris has had life and death experiences and 7th kind ET contact with various levels of conscious experimental thought processes including parapsychology and remote viewing.TJ feels that being an Ascension Cosmos Oracle is a life calling that has t