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Learn to Speak German - Lesson 050 - Beim Arzt



Last weekend I lay in bed with a cold. So this weekend is a good time to talk about illnesses and how to get an appointment at the doctor in Germany and Switzerland.der Arzt/die Ärztin = doctordie Krankenschwester = nursedie Sprechstundenhilfe = receptionistdas Wartezimmer = waiting roomdie Zeitschrift = magazinedie Krankheit = illnessdie Grippe = fludie Erkältung = common coldder Schnupfen = common coldder Husten = coughdas Halsweh = sore throatdie Halsschmerzen = sore throatuntersuchen = to examineausziehen = to undressLucerne, 25.11.2007Stephan WiesnerUse this free podcast to learn to speak German. http://german-podcast.blogspot.com