Tj Morris Et Radio

Ascension Age Michael Woods ET, Ghosts, UFOS & 6th Sense Janet Lessin, TJ Morris



JANET LESSIN, TJ MORRIS, MIKE WOODS, ACO CLUB - ACO Association - TJ Morris Organization.  Ascension Age Art is unique  Celebrating Cyberspace Culture Community  Made in USA Goods and Services! This includes the ACE Folklife Historical Association, ACO Associates for artists, authors, copywriters editors of ACE and ACIR Advanced Communications Internet Reporters. We also share UAP Associates, UFO Associates, and ACO for Alien Contact Oracles as contactees, experiencers, channelers, and artists who are inspired and psychics who receive information as mediums. People such as those with a sixth sense, star beings, and star people, along with our intelligence community have joined forces to include open-source information on the internet in world wide web. We do not know much about the dark web, however, we do not delve into the lower levels of that world. We are building the splintering of the internet highway with the various threads of truth which can stand in the light among the Lightworkers and Truthseeker