Dr. Dobias' Healing Radio For Dogs

Poop, diarrhea, and dietary allergies in dogs - The perfect No.2 toolkit and First Aid



Say goodbye to sleepless nights cleaning up messes and say hello to the perfect No.2! Learn what to do if your dog has diarrhea and how to improve your dog’s gut health. Also, home remedies, a first aid diet, supplement recommendations, and why you should beware of some commonly used anti-diarrhea drugs.  ____________________________________________ Resources that you shouldn’t miss:Complete Guide to Digestive Problems in Dogs: https://peterdobias.com/blogs/blog/stop-dog-diarrheaSeven Steps to Treat Acute or Bloody Diarrhea in Dogs: https://peterdobias.com/blogs/blog/11015037-11-steps-to-treat-acute-or-bloody-diarrhea-naturally The Most Common Diarrhea Drug is Harmful to Your Dog’s Gut: https://peterdobias.com/blogs/blog/metronidazole-the-most-common-diarrhea-drug-is-harmful-to-your-dogs-gut-and-digestion ______________________________________________GutSense - Canine-Specific Probiotic for Dogs: https://peterdobias.com/products/gutsense Fab4 Essential Supplements for Dogs: https://peterdobias.com/collections