Ambit Energy's Ambitious 50

Episode 40: Richard Amoedo - Ambit Energy's Ambitious 50 - Episode 40



Brought to you by Audible - Get a FREE Audio Book:  In this episode of Ambit Energy's Ambitious 50, we interviewed Multiple Five Start Trip Award Winner, Millionaire Club Member, Top 30 Income Earner and Executive Consultant Richard Amoedo. Golden Nuggets:  Your habits are going to shape your outcome  Do you want to me to make all of the money, or would you like to make some too?  Be willing to be interrupted  GOD, who can I go help today?  There was a little bit of pain  It’s okay to have people contribute to me  Permission to point things out  Pick the company you want to have problems with  You sponsor their whole life  Get them to the next exposure A Quest For Better Quality of Life  “Our goal, our focus,” Richard says, “is to improve people’s quality of life. Money does that, but great people do that quicker. We ask ourselves, ‘How are we going to make a difference in people’s lives?’”  Part of the answer comes by way of the example set by some Ambit Energy field leaders. “[NC]