Ambit Energy's Ambitious 50

Episode 47: Kevin and Rose Duncan - Ambit Energy's Ambitious 50 - Episode 47



Brought to you by Audible - Get a FREE Audio Book:  In this episode of Ambit Energy's Ambitious 50, we interviewed Executive Consultants, Kevin and Rose Duncan. Golden Nuggets:  If we don’t do this, we will be in the same spot next year.  It’s not where you go, it’s who you go with.  Matching Tupperware  Rejection Training  Little voice, you should talk to them.  The only thing easier than starting the business, is quitting.  If you cannot afford to do this business, YOU CANNOT AFFORD NOT TO DO THIS BUSINESS!   Who would you call?  I want a baby! ​Rose Duncan worked for a major wireless phone carrier and her husband Kevin owned a software development company. They were working so hard to provide a good life for their six children they never had time to actually see their kids. In fact, the two of them were so busy with their careers and family they didn’t think they could take on another challenge. “I said ‘no’ to the Ambit opportunity three times because I was happy with my job and