Trs Radio

TRS108 Jodie Robertson + Tommy Zaferes



First, Ben rants about the total lack of pro Ironman race coverage. Then, Ben hosts another edition of Joke Me Off starring Dark Mark and Tommy Zaferes. Follow Tommy on instagram and check out their tiny house on a recent television appearance. Finally, Ben talks to Jodie Robertson, the 2017 Ironman North American Regional Champion, aka the woman who won Ironman Texas. They discussed her endurance and teaching career, favorite songs to sing with children and plans to dominate the field in Kona this year.  Bonus Content: If you want to hear this and other bonus content, please consider becoming a patron. You can also support the show by leaving a glowing iTunes review.  Sponsors: To receive 10% off of TriRig Omega X brake and/or the amazing Omni bike, visit Follow Castelli Triathlon on Instagram and visit their website to learn more about custom kits for triathlon clubs.  Another great way to support TRS Triathlon and TRS Radio is to use our link when shopping on Amazon. Make this your Amazon b