Ooktown - The Ukulele Podcast

Ep. 106: An OokTown Sandwich



Guest: Victoria Vox Hosts: Stuart Yoshida, Doug Brown Like the arrival of Spring, we welcome back long-time friend of the show Victoria Vox, who brings us soooo songs that she performs live from her upcoming new album, as we get to hear her loop her way through Nirvana in REM, talk about how art inspired her to write new songs, and catch up on all her ukulele happenings. Links: - Victoria Vox: https://www.victoriavox.com/ - The last time VV was on the Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-100-5-chased-by-cows/id436722774?i=1000523194784 - Camo app: https://reincubate.com/camo/ - Apollo 8: https://www.uaudio.com/apollo-rack-plug-ins-promo?gclid=CjwKCAjwloCSBhAeEiwA3hVo_dp41Cy5F9bD3cIokRDAFQRrtb9zv5_3uJS3v0YiZnRav5SfekYnoBoCsgYQAvD_BwE - To order your Nirvan in REM: https://www.victoriavox.com/boutique-musique - Fred Stonehouse: https://fredstonehouseart.com/ - Looking to study art?: https://art.wisc.edu/ - Lying - Sissela Bok: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/15606/lying-by-s