Original Transplants

Ep 52 Shelter at Homestead



The Original Transplants Podcast Episode 52: Shelter at HomesteadThe Original Transplants Podcast Episode 52 begins with covid-19 pandemic well-wishes from Satoyama Homestead stewards Will and Sarah. Sarah shares highlights from a list of more than fifty homestead plants and other products that are documented to promote wellness in the context of coronavirus symptoms and co-morbid conditions. Household preparedness can be as simple as resprouting the trimmings from store-bought produce for a continuous harvest (see Mother Earth News note). Will details preparations for spring bee package installations in the apiary, and the stewards ponder the impact of pandemic shelter-at-home orders on the road kill supply for carrion scavenger species. We explore homestead chores and fun, including pollinating our peach trees by hand with chicken feathers.NotesSatoyama Homestead "CoViD-19 Homestead All-stars"https://www.satoyamahomestead.org/homestead-all-starsMother Earth News "The Garden of Rebirth" A