Original Transplants

Ep 54: Morels or Less



The Original Transplants Podcast Episode 54: Morels or LessThe Original Transplants Podcast Episode 54 announces May 17th as International Root Flair Appreciation Day and shares morel mushroom hunting results and lessons learned from Satoyama Homestead stewards Sarah and Will. Will updates listeners on swarm trapping his own hive and other apiary news. Sarah examines the significance of 2:30am and 4:30am in the life of a rooster. Stewards discuss the challenges of late season frosts and frozen precipitate in the orchard, and the edible landscape yields harvests of bok choy cabbage, mustard greens, kale, collards, snap and shell peas, strawberries, rhubarb, and wild carrot with other berry crops not far behind. Seasonal chores include succession planting in the vegetable garden, fencing and netting fruit harvests and preserving surplus for the off-season. Will shares a Lancaster Farming article, "Post-Freeze Apples Looking Good, Peaches Still Fuzzy." Find us online at https://spreadcasts.tumblr.com/