Original Transplants

Ep 63: Pajama Buck



Episode 63: Pajama BuckEpisode 63: Pajama Buck finds Will celebrating a successful harvest from the meat garden: an antlerless buck taken by Will whilst in his pajamas. The homesteaders answer a listener question on how to select plantings for a new homestead (see the show notes for more!). Sarah shares research on the immune benefits of letting kids play in the dirt for the Rock the Cradle segment. Visits to the bee yard and chicken coop have the homesteaders hoping for more activity come spring. The edible landscape is winding down for the season with garlic planting, weeding, and mulching, but the homesteaders are enjoying their harvests in pumpkin chili and pepper pot soup. Will closes the episode with some hard-hitting agricultural news from New Zealand about Doug the Potato.Show NotesResources for selecting plants for establishing a new edible habitat landscape:Identify your hardiness zone with the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map: https://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/Find your local extension service at yo